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Mountain Shen 小山


這周,我們迎來了期待已久的聖誕節假期,在平安夜那天,虎哥帶著我們去了市中心遊玩,大家雖然都抱有不同的意見,如愷元哥想去書店看書,子滕想去樂器店參觀,博威哥想去逛商場裡的健身器材,而我和小胡則想去一些風景優美的地方拍照。後來在大家的投票決定下,我們首先去到了著名的多倫多大學參觀,然後大家一起去Eaton Centre玩,因為Eaton Centre是一個很大的商場,所以愷元哥也在裏面找到了一家不錯的書店,我們在商場玩的也很開心。隨後,根據我和小胡的建議,我們一部分人去參觀了位於Eaton Centre旁邊的多倫多地標建築:city hall,上周放假前我們在課本上認識地方,非常漂亮的建築。我和小胡借此機會拍了很多照片,後來大家在city hall拍照留念,為本次旅行畫上了完美的句號。這是大家在加拿大過的第一個聖誕平安夜,非常充實,非常美滿。

This week, we ushered in the long-awaited Christmas holiday. On Christmas Eve, Brother Hank took us to the city center. Although everyone had different opinions, for example, Rain wanted to read a book in a bookstore. Tom wanted to visit a musical instrument store, Arthur wanted to go shopping, and Sean and I wanted to take pictures in some beautiful places. Later, after everyone’s vote, we first visited the famous University of Toronto, and then we all went to Eaton Centre together. Because Eaton Centre is a big shopping mall, Rain also found a good bookstore in it. We also had a great time playing in the mall. Afterwards, based on the suggestions of me and Sean, some of us visited the landmark building in Toronto next to Eaton Centre: city hall. Before the holiday last week, we knew a place in our textbooks. It was a very beautiful building. Sean and I took this opportunity to take a lot of photos, and then everyone took pictures in the city hall, which ended the trip perfectly. This is the first Christmas Eve everyone has spent in Canada. It is very fulfilling and very happy.


What attracts me most every time I go to school is to play basketball. The school’s indoor basketball court is very large with five baskets. Every time we go to school, we spend almost half of the time playing basketball. Recently, the number of one-by-one matches between me and Brother Hank has gradually increased. Because of the difference in age and size, Brother Hank will often give me a few goals. example, if I scored three goals before he scored five goals, even if I win. Under such circumstances, I still lose more and lose less, which proves that Brother Hank 's skills are really good. Sometimes a series of three-pointers is often used and three of three shots are made. After heads-to-head with Hank, I played with other people and found that my skills have improved significantly and my shooting percentage has also increased. So I think that if you want to improve one aspect of your abilities, you need to try to climb the mountains that you think is critical and break through the things that you think are difficult. You can't shrink back because of difficulties or setbacks. It is difficult to improve if you just turn around on the flat ground without thinking or trying hard.

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