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Bowei Zhou 博威

窃玉璜Steal a jade


一位南方的士人,善长文章,周游公卿之间。一次,他偶然得到了一个汉代的玉璜,质理莹白,但是血斑浸彻了玉骨。因是一稀有古物,便用来镇纸。一天,他偶尔借居于某位大官家中。夜晚,正在灯下构思文章,闻听窗隙有声响,忽然伸进来了一只手。他怀疑是盗贼,拿起铁如意想打,可是见到这只手又白又嫩,就象春天的葱一样可爱,不忍下手,又缩回铁如意来。他把窗纸挖开一个小洞,向外偷看,只见窗外站着一个青面罗刹鬼,顿时吓昏倒地。等他苏醒以后,书案上的玉璜已经不翼而飞了。他怀疑玉璜是狐鬼的幻形,也没再追查。后来,他在市上偶然又见到了那个血斑玉璜,问卖主是哪里得到的。问知的情况是已经转易数主,无从寻出头绪。又过了很长时间,他才知道当年玉璜丢失的真相,原来是那个大官的家奴伪作鬼装所窃取。董曲江开玩笑地对南士说:“他知道你是一位惜花御史,舍不得打美女,所以敢伸出一只白嫩纤手。假设遇到我们这等粗人,他绝不敢去冒断腕的危险。” 我认为这个家奴伪作鬼装,有两个明显的用意:一是使物主不敢当场捉贼,二是让物主不想事后追究。还有,如果灯下一掌破窗,去取玉璜,必定遭到捶击,所以要伪作少女纤手,造成不是盗贼的假象;而且,用这种方式引诱他隔窗偷见鬼状,造成不是人而是鬼的假象。其用心可说是太周密了。这种人为主人做事,迟钝得像木头;至于作奸犯科,就能奇计环生,如鬼如蜮,机灵得很。大体都是如此,不仅是这一个人一件事。


A few days ago, I read an article "Stealing Jade Huang" in the notes of Yuewei Thatched Cottage.

A scholar from the south, good at writing articles, travels among officials and ministers. Once, he accidentally got a jade huang from the Han Dynasty, which was white in texture, but the blood stains soaked through the jade bones. Because it is a rare antique, it is used as a paperweight. One day, he occasionally lived in the home of a high official. At night, when I was conceiving an article under the lamp, I heard a sound through the window, and suddenly a hand came in. Suspecting it was a thief, he picked up Tie Ruyi and wanted to hit him, but seeing that the hand was white and tender, as cute as a spring onion, he couldn't bear to do it, and drew back Tie Ruyi. He dug a small hole in the window paper and peeked out, only to see a green-faced Rakshasa ghost standing outside the window, and suddenly fainted from fright. When he woke up, the jade huang on the desk had disappeared. He suspected that Yuhuang was the illusion of a fox ghost, so he didn't pursue it further. Later, he came across the blood-stained jade pendant again by chance in the market, and asked the seller where he got it. What I asked about was that several masters had been changed, and there was no way to find out the clue. It took a long time for him to know the truth about the loss of Yuhuang. It turned out that the servant of the high official had stolen it by pretending to be a ghost. Dong Qujiang jokingly said to Nan Shi: "He knows that you are a censor who cherishes flowers and is reluctant to beat beautiful women, so he dares to stretch out a white and tender hand. If he meets a rough person like us, he will never dare to cut off his wrist danger.” I think the house slave’s disguise as a ghost has two obvious purposes: one is to make the owner afraid to catch the thief on the spot, and the other is to make the owner not want to pursue it later. Also, if you break the window with the palm of your hand and go to get the jade huang, you will definitely be beaten, so you have to pretend to be a girl's slender hands, creating the illusion that you are not a thief; People are illusions of ghosts. Its intentions can be said to be too thorough. This kind of person is as dull as a piece of wood when doing things for his master; as for committing crimes, he can make a lot of tricks, like ghosts and ghosts, very clever. This is generally the case, not just this one person.

After listening to this article, I first felt the selfishness of this house slave. But looking at what happened from another angle, it is another feeling: selfish people are very slow to do things for others, but they are smart and attentive when doing things that are beneficial to themselves. But kind people will do things carefully whether they are doing things for others or for themselves. This also shows that sometimes when doing things, it's not that things are not done well, but that the starting point of doing things is wrong, and they are unwilling to help others sincerely. If the house slave in the article is a kind person who can use his ingenuity to benefit others, then this house slave will definitely be appreciated by the house owner.

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