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Master Chinese in Three Months

​                A Letter to Parents and Children Who Are Learning or Willing to Learn Chinese

                                                                                                                                          — Mr. Dean Ding

No matter your child's or your current Chinese level or cultural background—whether Eastern or Western—by using my learning method, you can master Chinese and achieve basic reading and communication skills in just three months of spare time (daily evening study).


Please allow me to ask you a few questions:

Is your child/yourself currently learning Chinese? 

Has your child been learning Chinese intermittently for a year, two years, or even longer? How is your child’s actual Chinese level? For most children, progress might be minimal.

Do you want to know why, despite all the effort your child has put in, their Chinese has not improved significantly?


I'd like to tell you why

1.The first issue lies in the form of Chinese learning used by your child. Most children learn Chinese by attending weekend Chinese school with a few lessons. Whether in a large class, small class, or one-on-one lessons, this approach wastes precious weekend time and is often more suitable for learning English. This so-called "easy" way is actually one of the most common and least effective methods for learning Chinese. The reason is simple: for most people (including children), the best and most effective way to learn a new language is through intensive study over a short period of time. In other words, language learning must be "fast-tracked." The effectiveness of language learning ultimately comes down to how much of the language content is retained and how proficient one becomes; at its core, it is a battle between memory retention and forgetting. For children who study Chinese only a few hours per week, most of their time is spent forgetting what they have learned. Even if teachers remind parents to ensure their children review at home, younger kids often lack initiative, and parents may not have the time to supervise or do it effectively, making home reviews practically useless and hard to achieve good results. Consequently, children might learn two and forget one, or even learn three and forget two after one week , falling into a vicious cycle of repeatedly reviewing the same material. As a result, the amount of knowledge retained is very limited. 

2.the inefficiency of the learning methods means that the content learned in just a few classes per week is extremely limited.  children lose interest and passion over time, and what was once a joyful task becomes increasingly tedious. Eventually, children gradually lose their motivation to learn, leading to a continuous decline in their interest and initiative in studying Chinese. Even with one-on-one lessons, these issues persist, trapping children in a vicious studying cycle. They end up spending more time and effort on Chinese learning, and some may even give up entirely, never acquiring this important skill. 

3.Fourth and most importantly, failing to learn Chinese over a long period is not a simple matter for children. Many parents do not realize that when their children invest significant time and effort into something without success, the resulting sense of failure leaves a deep, subconscious impact. This can undermine children's confidence in learning or attempting other tasks. This kind of damage is invisible but even more harmful. 

In this case, if you truly want your child to master Chinese and benefit from it in life, or if you have realized that succeeding in learning Chinese will give your child confidence and a stronger spirit for facing challenges, it is time to abandon the old, ineffective methods of learning. Join our Chinese study program and experience a completely new approach, method, and experience for learning Chinese—something you have never encountered before. This method allows your child to use their spare time (specifically evenings) to gain basic reading and conversational abilities in just three months. From that point on, your child will be filled with confidence in learning and in life, leading them on a positive, upward journey.


Our fast-track Chinese learning method ensures that the knowledge your child gains in each class far exceeds what traditional methods offer in the same amount of time. Once you see how our proven, efficient method works, you will be confident that your child can master Chinese in a short period.


How do we achieve such incredible results? Just give us a call or visit our school, and all your questions will be answered. You will discover that there really is a miraculous way to learn Chinese.


Fundamental Requirements for Our Course:

Before consulting further, here are a few requirements you should be aware of. If your child meets these criteria, you can contact us for more details. If not, there is no need to consult further as it would be a waste of time for both of us.


1. Suitable for students aged 10 and above, including adults.


2. For children under 15, one parent must accompany the child during the three months of study whenever possible. Parents will have their own separate desk in the classroom, and we encourage you to study alongside your child. This is crucial for ensuring your child’s success. We will explain in more detail during your consultation why parental accompaniment is necessary, how to do it effectively, and what to watch out for.


3. Course Structure and Objectives:

   - The First Term (Basic Course): This term lasts three months and is a paid course. Upon completion, students will have basic reading and conversational skills in Chinese.

   - The Second Term (Advanced Course): This term lasts two months and is offered for free. After completing this term, students will be able to communicate in Chinese almost as fluently as a native speaker.

Class Schedule:

   - Monday to Friday: 6:40 PM - 10:00 PM (including a 20-minute break)

   - Saturday morning: 8:30 AM - 11:50 AM

   - Saturday afternoon and Sunday: No class (Rest)


4. Due to the short duration and high proficiency target, the course demands very efficient learning, placing high demands on the student’s physical, mental, and intellectual capabilities. To ensure all students achieve the desired outcomes, we rigorously screen applicants during the admission process. Students will undergo psychological and intellectual assessments. After the test, both parents and we will know whether the child qualifies for the course. If the student does not pass the test, it means they cannot handle the course's intensity, and forcing them to continue would be harmful rather than beneficial. We will discuss this decision privately with parents.


5. Course Fee: $26,000 CAD per term

We understand that this price may seem high. We do not want to debate whether our course is cheap or expensive because price is relative. We charge based on total learning time, frequency, and results, not by the hour. When you compare the final proficiency level your child will achieve in just five months to the cost of large classes or one-on-one tutoring, you will realize our price is not as high as it seems. Most importantly, one-on-one tutoring cannot match our results. We offer trial classes, and after attending, you will see for yourself that what we promise is true.


People often feel the impact of a total sum payment but overlook the ongoing costs of weekly or monthly payments for traditional classes. Add up all the costs over the years, and you will see that our course is not as expensive as you might think. And regardless of the money spent, there is one undeniable fact: after all these years, most children who have been learning Chinese the traditional way remain novices, able to say a few basic phrases but far from fluent. We guarantee results that no other Chinese language program—online or in-person—can match. We are the best!


Apart from price, consider the time and effort you and your child are spending on learning Chinese. Money can always be earned back, but once a child’s time and energy are spent with little to show for it, it is irreplaceable. As children grow up, time cannot be regained. Missing the optimal period for mastering Chinese can lead to significant losses and negative impacts on their future.


Our method aligns with the natural way languages should be learned—through intensive, focused study. Our course provides your child with the opportunity to gain a valuable skill in just three months that might otherwise take years to acquire. By the end of our course, your child will outperform peers who have been learning Chinese for much longer, and you will be proud of their achievements.


We have explained these points to help you understand our educational philosophy and ensure your child does not miss this rare opportunity. We have also shared our course price upfront so you can make an informed decision before consulting further, saving both of us time. If you are still concerned about the price, we understand, and perhaps this is not the right fit. But we thank you for taking the time to read this letter.



Regarding course structure, payment details, guarantees, refunds, and more, these are explained thoroughly during the consultation. If you can meet the basic requirements, please come to our school for a face-to-face consultation. Please also bring your child to the consultation. Afterward, you will understand what real Chinese education—and indeed, real education—is, and how this experience will impact your child’s future in a profound way.


We look forward to seeing you in our consultation room — parents and students who have recognized the value of our course.


Consultation, Registration, and Class Location:

Cambridge Academy

Address: 5873 Highway 7 East, Unit 200, Markham, ON L3P 1A3  

In-Person Consultation Time: Monday - Friday (Appointment Only: Please call or email us for an appointment); Saturday - Sunday 9 AM - 5 PM (Walk-in, NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED)  

English Consultation (Phone): (647) 609-6822 / 905-472-0101 (Monday - Sunday 2-5 PM)  

Chinese Consultation (Phone): (647) 289-1895 (Monday - Sunday 2-5 PM)  

Email: (Used for consultation and booking in-person meeting)

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